We’re passionate about helping you grow and learn .
Little Vikings
Our kids program is split into two age groups: 4-7 & 8-13. Our focus is building body mobility, group learning and having fun! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the best way to teach discipline, teamwork and confidence at an early age.
Competition Class
This is meant for those pursing competition and taking their Jiu Jitsu to a professional level. Breaks are not allowed. This is work. Everyone is welcomed, but understand what you are getting into. It will challenge you.
No matter your level or experience we have classes for everyone. You will receive an effective workout while learning Jiu Jitsu and meeting like minded people. Basics are just that— perfect for new white belts. In the Technique class, we dive into the specifics of moves and positions and our Drilling class will get you moving and applying everything you’ve learned.
Adult Class
Set A Goal
We believe that having something to work towards gives the motivation needed to stay focus and committed. It can be a tournament, losing weight, or refining technique. Whatever your goal is, we will get you there.
The Process
Work Hard
Only you will be able to achieve what it is you’re setting out to achieve, but it will not come easy. The only the reason you will fail is because you didn’t work for it.
Fail Your Way To Success
You will lose, you will fall, you will likely fail. From that will come knowledge and perseverance. Then you succeed and help others achieve their goals.